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Pauline Dimond, the Australian Teacher in NPU, wins the 2011 Shannxi Friendship Award

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Core Tip:Pauline Dimond, the Australian Teacher in NPU, wins the 2011 Shannxi Friendship Award
Pauline Dimond, the Australian Teacher in NPU, wins the 2011 Shannxi Friendship Award

NWPU News Network reported in December 7 that the working conference on the introduction of overseas high-level talents by Shannxi province was held in Xi’an yesterday. Pauline Dimond, the Australian Teacher in NWPU, had been invited to attend the conference and been honored with Shannxi Friendship Award.

The conference participants also included Zhao Zhengyong, the Shannxi governor, Zhang Jianguo, the vice minister of People club and the director of national foreign experts bureau, several related Shaanxi government department heads, the foreign experts with the Shannxi Friendship Award and some unit leaders.

Qing Zheng, the secretary of the people's government of Shaanxi province hosted the conference. Chen Guoqiang, the vice secretary, announced the experts list of Shannxi Friendship Award. The Shannxi governor Zhao Zhengyong, and Zhang Jianguo, the vice minister of People club and the director of national foreign experts bureau, issued the trophies for 10 winners of the 2011 Shannxi Friendship Award.

The Shannxi governor Zhao Zhengyong, on behalf of Shaanxi provincial party committee, the provincial government and 38 million local people, showed the great respects to these foreign experts with Awards. He emphasized that talent resource is the first resource and it plays a basic, strategic and decisive role in the economic and social development. He also expressed that Shaanxi would try to create a favorable policy environment to talents innovation and pay more attention to open training and introduction of talents with the purpose of providing the reliable intelligence support for the economic development. He hoped that the experts would continue to play a bridge and link role and let more foreign friends have a better understanding about Shannxi, a better concern for Shannxi and a better support to Shannxi. He also said that with the joint efforts of local people and the active participation of international friends, Shannxi would have a more promising future.

On the conference, the foreign experts with Shannxi Friendship Award, the enrollers of Thousand People Plan and Hundred People Plan and the representatives of returned people have made the remarks. They talked about the experience of working and living in Shannxi and also the achievements made here. The foreign expert Pauline Dimond in our university said that Xi’an now has already been her second home, and that she would continue to make positive contributions to the talents training, the scientific research and the exchange and cooperation programs. Pauline Dimond is one of the Australian famous education workers. Since 2003, she has been employed as a foreign language and literature teacher by the School of Law and Humanities of NWPU. She is mainly engaged in the teaching of major English. At the same time she assumes certain English teaching in other departments and some linking tasks, such as the international academic exchange, the foreign experts contact, and the construction of the second classroom. Pauline Dimond, being diligent and conscientious and working eight years as one day, has made a lot of outstanding contributions to the school and university English teaching, the discipline construction and the international exchange programs. She has gained the consistent high praise by the teachers and students.

It is reported that since the establishment of Shaanxi Friendship Award by the Shannxi province, there are eight foreign experts in NWPU who have won the Award. Two of them have won the National Friendship Award.

Source: Zhou Junping 
Photographers: Guo Youjun 
Translated: Yang Huiying, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature

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