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Chest type units

Schrift vergrößern  Schriftgröße verkleinern Datum£º2014-05-08  Aufrufe£º1158
Core-Tipp£º Chest type units

Chest type units


Liebisch chest type units are available in 400, 1000 and 2500 litre test chamber volume design.

The user’s application decides which process system(s) will be installed. Here you can read details about the individual systems.

Accessories / options, documentation software CorroControl

Animation process system for salt spray

SKB 400 A-TR



Constacon® TR

This series are manually operated chests of type M-TR for performing of condensation water tests such as DIN EN ISO 6270-2 (without pollution gas).

K400 M-TR K1000 M-TR K2500 M-TR

Chest type units with 400/1000/2500 litres test chamber volume without ventilation.


Constasal® TR

This series are manually operated chests of type M- TR to perform salt spray tests such as DIN EN ISO 9227 without automatic ventilation.

S400 M-TR S1000 M-TR S2500 M-TR

Chest type units with 400/1000/2500 litres test chamber volume for performing salt spray tests.


Constatwin® TR

This series are manually operated chests of type M- TR to perform salt spray tests or condensation water tests. They are called “manually operated combination testers”.

SK400 M-TR SK1000 M-TR SK2500 M-TR

Chest type units with 400/1000/2500 litres test chamber volume for performing salt spray or condensation water tests.


Constamatic® TR

This series are programmable and operate the A-TR range of chests. The unit’s easy to use programmer is mounted in the control panel. All functions are displayed on a multi-line menu-driven display. The units can be equipped with systems for salt spray or built as combination testing unit.

    S400 A-TR  S1000 A-TR S2500 A-TR

Chest type units with 400/1000/2500 litres test chamber volume for salt spray tests.

SKB400 A-TR SKB1000 A-TR SKB2500 A-TR

Chest type units with 400/1000/2500 litres test chamber volume for combination tests with automatic ventilation.


Chest type units with 400/1000/2500 litres test chamber volume for combination tests with automatic ventilation and warm air


Chest type units with 1000/2500 litres test chamber volume for combination tests with automatic ventilation, warm air and controlled rel. humidity.

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